Game of Life in Isometric 2D Grid


The rules are derived from the original Game of Life rules with few modifications. The rules are as follows

  • Each cell has 9 neighbouring cells in this fashion
  • neighbors
  • Any live cell with live neighbors in the survival range survives to the next generation.
  • Any live cell with live neighbors outside the survival range dies due to underpopulation or overpopulation.
  • Any dead cell with live neighbors in the birth range becomes alive by reproduction.

Some good starting points to try are: (click)

  • 4-7/1-1 : Slowly builds hexagons
  • 4-7/0-0 : Hexagons but separated by borders
  • 6-9/0-0 : Islands form which slowly fade away
  • 1-2/3-3 : Similar to something like actual game of life
  • 4-7/4-6 : Growth
  • 6-7/4-6 : Melting snow
  • 9-9/1-5 : This one is really cool, and hypnotic
  • 3-3/3-4 : Longest lasting lively pattern
By the way you can paint the cells using your mouse